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My name is Erin and I have been blogging since July 2010 on the recommendation of my friend Ann and now I can't stop, LOL. I created this blog as a place to display my Kreativity. To inspire and be inspired. I hope you enjoy your visit. Let me know you stopped by so that I can return the favor and visit your blog.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I was so excited this week when Paula from More Than Favors and Meriah from Two Scraptastic Gals announced that this weeks 
Cricut Cartridge Chaos Challenge was to use Create A Critter. I was not only excited because I have this cartridge but I LOVE this cartridge.
Paula also hosts the Wacky Wednesday Challenge every week and on Monday she gave us a heads up what this weeks challenge would be. It's a color challenge Pink, Green & Brown. Paula said it was ok if we combined both of these challenges into one project. 
I wanted to use a cut from Create A Critter that I had never used before and I wanted to use one of the new stamps from the LOVE stamp set that Lauren from 40:31 Creations just released. I also wanted to think outside the box and be a little clever at the same time. Here is my Creation:

I must admit that this card had me cracking up the whole time I was making it in my kraft kove. I love when I can sit in my room all by myself and be entertained. :)
As you can see the 1st, 2nd & 3rd dinosaur are the bare layers of the dinosaur and the 4th dinosaur is the "completed" dinosaur. 
I hope you got a kick out of it like I did. 


Amanda Villarreal said...

This is adorable! What a great idea :)

Gloria said...

Super CUTE:)

Unknown said...

VERY cute Erin!!! you are such a goof...I can here you giggling while doing this ;) GREAT Job!

Tanya said...

Too cute!!! Such a great idea ;)


Saundra said...

Erin, you did a great job! It's always fun when we crack ourselves up!

Saundra :)

Savahanna said...

hehe how cute. What a great idea

Anonymous said...

Erin, this is great! I really like how you did the layers ... so creative!

Lisa Norris said...

I love this idea! Great job! :O)


Dawn, RI said...

too cute....DawnRi

JustYolie said...

How clever & cute card!

kathlee said...


Monica said...

Hey Thanks for stopping by. I actually made this ornament when I was in 6th grade during xmas time. Our art teacher taught us. I have been making them ever since.

of course when I was in school it was made just out of plain construction paper and a string. Glad you liked it.

I can't get over how funny this card is. I love iT!

Simply Cricutting

scrapstampcrazy said...

well you were definetly clever. What a great idea!

Victoria said...

Great idea; very original

Anonymous said...

Hey there sweet Erin! I am now a proud follower of your blog! You must return the favor (hint hint)
Super excited you are going to be in the Cricky 50!
PS this card is wicked creative--I just love how you did the dinosaur in stages--brilliant!

Big Cricky Hugs to You!

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Great card design and super fun!

~ Creating a Crafty Life ~ said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this card! You really did a Great job!

Unknown said...

Very cute! I also love that cartridge so many cute cuts. Love what you've done. i am a new follower.

GiGi said...

This is so cute! I love how you have him progressing! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments! I really appreciate them! :)

Suzy said...

Love how you used so many of the dinos! So cute!~ thanks for the nice comments you left on my blog ;)

Anonymous said...

This is too cute! :-)

Gloria said...

Awesome project. I love this idea.

The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

Clever! Love the idea!
cporter519 at yahoo dot com

Lena said...

Super cute. I am a new follower and like to invite you to my blog for a custom made apron give away. Enter @

scrapperbecka said...

Love that card. I love Create A Critter. Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a nice comment

Anonymous said...

Cute card- and your blog is adorable! Thanks for hopping with us today. Hope you had fun.

Jessica said...

Very cute! I need to create a card for this challenge!

Rachel said...

This is such a cute idea!!And thanks for becoming a follower of my new blog :)


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