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My name is Erin and I have been blogging since July 2010 on the recommendation of my friend Ann and now I can't stop, LOL. I created this blog as a place to display my Kreativity. To inspire and be inspired. I hope you enjoy your visit. Let me know you stopped by so that I can return the favor and visit your blog.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
It's Back To School time all over the country!
I LOVE back to school time. It means Fall (my FAVORITE) is almost here, it means new, fresh & crisp school supplies, it means new classes and new friends, it means new beginnings. 
My kids don't start school until September 7th!
I love to give the teachers and principal gifts for just about every occasion including the start of the new school year. This year my daughter will be in 1st grade breaking in a new teacher to Discovery and my son will be in Kindergarten. Discovery also has a new principal, Mrs. Conrad will make a great addition to "the team".
Since I have been LOVING my vinyl aka Contact paper it's only fitting that I would tie it into the teachers gifts this year. 
Here's what I made to share with our teachers/principal...

This project was fun, easy and affordable. 
These are pens, wrapped in floral tape with a blossom glued to the top. I stuck the pens in a glass container filled w/ green glass "stones". 
Easy Peasy lemon squeezy! 
The nicest thing is that I was able to find many of the materials at The Dollar Tree. The floral tape was purchased at JoAnn's and the pens were purchased at Office Max.
What teacher or principal can't use some pretty pens on her desk?
I hope you are all enjoying this Back To School season.
Keep Kreating, 


1 Walking on Water said...

What a wonderful idea! so cute...TFS :)

2 albina N muro said...

chack out this ~! wedding anniversary gifts

3 Sharon said...

I like the fall gal, I tried to made this one.

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