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My name is Erin and I have been blogging since July 2010 on the recommendation of my friend Ann and now I can't stop, LOL. I created this blog as a place to display my Kreativity. To inspire and be inspired. I hope you enjoy your visit. Let me know you stopped by so that I can return the favor and visit your blog.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Welcome to the
Mom's Day Blog Hop
hosted by Nicolette from Beyond Scrappin
If you have arrived here from Jennifer's blog you are headed in the right direction. If you would like to start the hop from the very beginning you can start at Nicolette's blog. 

I love Mother's Day especially since I had the privilege of becoming a mother myself 6yrs ago. I have the best mother in the world and I challenge you to prove me wrong. LOL 
I think Mother's Day is a fabulous time to honor and recognize your mother (or those that are like your mother) for all they do and have done for you. 

For my project today I chose to make a card. 
This project has been dancing around in my head for some time and thanks to my Gypsy I was able to make it a reality. 
 This is an A2 scalloped card I welded with my Gypsy and a cute little nesting doll from Simply Charmed. 
Here's a closer look.
  I love how adorable she is. I slanted her face/head a little bit just to give her a little personality. 

I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day. 
Don't forget to tell your mother how much you love and appreciate her. If your mother is gone, remember the good times and thank the Lord He placed her in your life for the time He did. 

Your next stop along this hop is @ Creating A Crafty Life.

Happy Hopping
Keep Kreating,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Happy Wednesday Friends!

I hope that you all had a lovely Easter Holiday.
Michelle from Queen of my Craftroom posted an Easter Layout challenge. 
I wanted to do a LO for my kids and I wanted to be sure their favorite colors were incorporated. My daughters favorite color is purple and my son's favorite color is green.

Here is how it turned out.
I love when I can use inexpensive and recycled elements in my projects. The paper doilies were $1.00/50 and the ribbon came on a sucker or something. I can't even remember but I saved it and with a little needle and thread was able to make this cute little ruffle on the bottom of my page. 
Here are a few close up shots. 
I created one spot for each of my children and one spot for them together in their Easter duds. 
 I Cuttlebug'ed the rabbit with Swiss Dots and inked the raised images with a brown ink. I also Cuttlebug'ed the greenery with Divine Swirls. These are my 2 most favoritest folders. 
I was also able to Stickle the center of the flowers. 
I hope you enjoyed my Easter Layout. 

Keep Kreating, 

PS: I may be MIA for a short period of time. We are in the process of packing up, moving and unpacking. But, have no fear I won't be gone long. 
Monday, April 25, 2011
Hello friends. 
The Scrappin' Roots Monthly Layout Challenge has been canceled this month due to my upcoming move. 
I wanted to share a little something different with you all today. I know I almost always post a paper crafted project but not today!
Last year I had the privilege of making a towel cake as a gift for a friends bridal shower (scope it out below).
The bride's niece (she's 9) loved it so much she told her mother that she wanted to give one to her soon-to-be step mother. Her mother asked me way back then if I would put one together as her gift to give to her step mom at her bridal shower. 
I didn't really have a plan or a pattern of decoration for THIS cake I just figured out once I knew the colors and bought the towels I'd go from there. Here is how it turned out and I absolutely LOVE it. 
I cannot believe how perfect it came out. 
I lined the top and bottom of each layer with grossgrain ribbon in solid brown and mint w/ brown polka-dots. The polka-dots are what inspired me to use the buttons (Which were 50% off at JoAnn's, SCORE!) and to steer away from flowers. I actually forgot to get something for the top of the cake and when I was putting it all together, falling in love with it more and more, I got to thinking...."What kind of topper would Buddy The Cake Boss put on top of this cake if it were actually fondant?" I think I got it right! I believe he would have gone with a bow of some type. I LOVE how well it matched the green & brown polka-dot ribbon.

I think this cake looks good enough to eat and I want to display it in my own house, don't you?

What other kind of crafting projects do you do aside from paper projects? Do you do any?

I hope you have been inspired to try something different and new.
Keep Kreating, 
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Welcome to 
Cristina's Blogaversary Blog Hop.
***If you are looking for the Home Decor Blog Hop please click here.***

Cristina from Crafting with Cristina is celebrating her 
ONE YEAR blogaversary!
*cheers and roars from all her fans*
If you have arrived here from Elsa's blog you are on the right path. If you just happened to be stalking visiting my blog you can start hopping at Cristina's blog.

I have been following Cristina's blog since, I believe, July and I LOVE every single project she posts. She has such a fine attention to detail and she uses techniques I never would have thought of if it weren't for her blogging and YouTube(ing).
~Is that a word? It should be.~

Cristina and I both live in Western New York and I have had the privilege to meet her and crop with her at Michael's along with a couple other area bloggers. I love the crafting and blogging world. If it weren't for our ability to blog I never would have met Cristina and she's not only talented she's a sweetheart and funny as well.
*Warning: She can and will talk your ear off. LOL*

To celebrate her ONE YEAR BLOGAVERSARY she has organized this hop and I am honored she has asked me to be a part of it. 
We had the freedom to do any project we wished to do that was inspired by her. As soon as I heard this I KNEW I wanted to make this.....
This is a Ghiradelli Chocolate Square holder. 
These are quick and easy to make. 
Cristina has an instructional YouTube video you can view here
You could also use tea bags instead of chocolate if you prefer. 
Here are a few more pics.
Yummy! Who doesn't LOVE chocolate?
 The beauty of these little things is that once the base of the project is done the rest is really up to you. You can decorate them any way you choose. You can use stamped images on the outside or the inside. I chose to decorate the outside of this one with a doily and a paper flower. (You can view my tutorial of these flowers here.)
Isn't it pretty? I found that, like Cristina said in her YouTube tutorial video, double sided card stock really is the best thing to use with this project but I have made a few with solid card stock (to be used as shower favors) and they came out nice too.  

I hope this project inspired by Cristina has inspired you to try something different and new. 

Your next stop in this celebratory hop is Joanna's blog.

Happy Blogaversary once again Cristina!
Keep Kreating, 
Friday, April 22, 2011
Hello my fellow blog stalkers and welcome to 
This hop is being hosted by the Fabulous Faith from 
If you have arrived here from Tiara's blog you are headed in the right direction. If you just happened to be visiting and would like to hop from the beginning head on over to Faith's blog.

Faith and her children recently moved into their own place and she's been busy, busy, busy making her house a home. She had the fabulous idea for this hop. Not only to inspire her and give her some home decor ideas but to inspire the rest of us as well.

I love to make & create things to decorate my home. It's very satisfying to me to see something I worked hard on and created myself displayed in my home.
For this hop I created an altered clock. I had seen an altered clock on a blog several months ago and I knew I wanted to give it a try someday. Well, this is someday.
Here's how it turned out.
I totally LOVE how this turned out. 
Not sure if you can tell in this pic but the numbers are ever so slightly misaligned BUT you can still tell the time. LOL

Here are a few more close-ups. 
Loving the colors.
  I got this paper on clearance from Michael's 7/$1
 I made the 12, 3, 6 & 9 a little fancier.
I took these photos without the plastic face cover to avoid any annoying glare. 

Here are the really is super simple. 
1) I purchased an inexpensive ($4) clock from Dollar General. I chose the clock based on the color of the frame and the hands. (The face was a picture of the Last Supper. LOL)
2) Remove the plastic face cover. There are usually little tabs that can be released from the back of the clock to make this very easy. 
3) CAREFULLY pull off the second, minute & hour hand. It may be a little tough but slow & steady they will come off. 
4) Measure the inside circle of the clock. This one measured 8 3/4". I cut the background using the circle on George & Basic shapes.
5) Find the center of the circle and punch a hole (I used my Crop A Dial) for the stem that the hands go on. Then using a little ATG I adhered that circle to the face of the clock.
6) Next, I cut all the numbers from Plantin Schoolbook. I chose to make the 12, 3, 6 & 9 slightly larger than the other numbers. 
I then glued them to circles in  coordinating colors.
7) To give it that extra pop I inked all the edges of the circles. 
8) I carefully glued all the numbers to the face of the clock beginning with the 12, 3, 6 & 9 and then fitting in the remaining numbers. 
9) Place the hands back on the stem and replace the plastic face cover. 
And there you have it, an altered clock that you can create yourself to match any decor. Wouldn't an altered clock like this be great in a kid's room or a baby's room?

I hope you are enjoying all the fabulous home decor projects in this hop. Your next stop is Chris's blog.

Start Decorating & Keep Kreating, 

Monday, April 18, 2011
Michelle from Queen of my Craftroom
posted a 3-D paper project challenge. 

I love to make altered items or 3-D projects and I love that I get to share them with you. The project I made for this challenge is actually one part of a gift set I gave to my kid's teachers for Easter. 
This is a set of glass bead magnets and the decorated box they were presented in. 
These were super simple to make. 
I purchased glass beads (the clear kind with the flat bottoms) from the floral department at JoAnn's. I cut small circles out of patterned paper and used Mod Podge to adhere it to the bead. Once that was try I used E6000 glue to attache the magnet to the bead & paper. I love how the bead magnifies the patterns on the paper. I also purchased these small jewelery gift boxes from JoAnn's and decorated them with the same patterned papers that I made the magnets out of. 
I hope they liked them. I know I can't wait to make a set for myself. 

Keep Kreating, 
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Welcome to the 28 Candles Blog Hop

Kimi from Lovebug Creations IS HAVING A BIRTHDAY and she is TWENTY EIGHT! *sniff*sniff* They grow up so fast. 
She's hosting this fabulous hop to celebrate her special day. 
If you arrived here from Zeni's blog you are totally hopping in the right direction. If you just stopped by to see what I've been up to this is it and you can hop along too. Just head on over to Kimi's blog and start from the very beginning. 

I am very honored and excited to be among such talented ladies. Again, I feel starstruck and like I am among crafting royalty.  
For my project I wanted to do something a little different than a card and I came across this project that Brenda from Qbee's Quest posted some time ago and I just had to give it a try.  

 It's an Explosion Box Purse
Here it is open.

I stamped some flourish and stickled it to give it a little pizzaz. 

 Of course I had to include a decorated tea light. It's supposed to look like a little cake or cupcake. Can you tell?
Happy Birthday Kimi. 
I hope you will give this Explosion Purse a try. Brenda's directions are SUPER easy to follow and understand. 

Your next stop along the way is Anne's blog

Here's a list of the entire line up just in case  you get lost along the way. 
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Welcome to SpantastiKreations 
This is the My Heart Belongs To Daddy Blog Hop
hosted by Jennifer from Scrappin Lil Turtle.
If you have arrived here from Tanya's blog
you are scooting along in the right direction. If you are just visiting my blog today and would like to start at the beginning of the hop you can start at Jennifer's blog. 
Jennifer organized this hop in honor of her father who
has passed and who she loved very dearly. 
She asked that we either honor our fathers or create a masculine project.

My father passed away when I was 4 so I don't remember too much about him but I did create a masculine birthday card. 

I designed this shape card using my Gypsy and my Simply Charmed cartridge. 
I LOVE how it turned out. Thanks to the fabulous hide feature on the Gypsy I was able to avoid cutting the cutsie smiley face that was originally intended for the tie. 
I sent this card to my brother (from another mother) for his birthday and being a 39 yr old man I didn't think he'd be into the cute smiley face, lol. 
I inked the edges on both the shirt and the collar. I added tiny collar buttons and a pearl tie "pin".
I certainly hopes he likes it half as much as I do. 

Your next stop along the hop is the fabulous Pam from Scrapbook Flair

Happy Hopping
Keep Kreating,
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Scrappy Friends, 
There is a young man that could really use some cheering up and get well wishes. 

Colton Bradenburg has been fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukeima since 2007. He is currently receiving chemo treatments that have really taken a toll on his body. You can read Colton's story here on his CaringBridge page.

What I would like to do for Colton, with help from you my scrappy friends, is to flood him and his family with get well, cheer up & be happy cards. They are looking at a somewhat lengthy stay at St. V's and we all know how horrid a hospital can be after a few days. Colton LOVE John Deere and his (stuffed) cow Francis. 
Cards can be mailed to Colton right at the hospital:

Colton Bradenburg
C/O St. Vincent Hospital
835 South Van Buren Street
Green Bay, WI 54307-3508
If you would like to drop a line of encouragement to his parents I am sure they too would appreciate the fun mail. Their names are Sarah and Nathan Kopf. 

You can keep up on Colton's fight on his FaceBook page

Thank you in advance my scrappy friends. Let's all work together to put a smile on the faces of this wonderful family. 

Monday, April 4, 2011
Hello friends. I am posting my first ever tutorial today. :)
I came across the directions for these paper flowers while blog stalking hopping a few weeks ago. 
I have seen these flowers or flowers very similar to them elsewhere but I didn't quite understand the directions on how to make them. I am a VERY visual person. Unfortunately, I cannot even remember the blog I got these simple instructions from and I feel really bad that I can't give credit where credit is due. 
Anyway, I decided to do my own tutorial for you and hope that you understand it and make a few dozen for yourself. 

 The first thing you need to do is start out with 8 circles of 2 different (but coordinating) papers for a total of 16 circles. 
For this flower I used a 1 3/4" circle.
 Next glue the circles together so you have one pattern on one side and the other pattern on the other. You will now have a total of 8 circles. (This step could be skipped all together if you start out with double sided paper or card stock.)
 Your next step is to fold the circle in half. (Please excuse the grungy looking mat.)
 Then you fold the circle in 1/4's.
 The next step is to fold flaps in as pictured. The fold runs from the bottom center to the 1/4" fold on both the right and the left side.
 You will then turn the circle over and fold the left and right flaps to the center fold. Your "petal" should look like the "petal" pictured above.
 For the base of the flower you can use any circular cut in any color (It won't be seen anyway). I used a 2" scalloped circle punch and made a N,S,E & W grid line.
 I began to line up the flower by gluing the "petals" on the N,S,E & W lines. 
Finally I glued in the remainder of the "petals" and topped off the flower with a button and some hemp.

I love these flowers I think they are so pretty. You can use them on layouts, cards, you could even use them as garland. The possibilities are virtually endless. You could make these flowers using any patterned papers and any sized circles. I must admit I REALLY love them. 

I'd love to see your versions of these flowers if you choose to make some for yourself. Just post a link to your blog in the comments section and I would LOVE to see your creations. 
Hope you enjoyed my first tutorial. 
Keep Kreating, 
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Welcome to day two of the 
April Showers Blog Hop hosted by Kathryn from

If you have arrived here from Laura's Blog you are on the right track. If you just happened to stumble upon my blog today you can start hopping at the very beginning from Kathryn's Blog .

For my project yesterday I showed you the front of my slider card. 

Love it right?

Here is the rest of the project...

 Too cute ain't it?
I cut the the sun and the flower from Create a Critter.
The sentiments were printed on my computer. 
The flower's face is stamped using Peachy Keen's Laffy Taffy faces. 

I hope you are enjoying your journey on the hop. Your next stop is Sigrid's Blog.  

You have 2 chances to win the blog candy (an altered mini-notebook and a set of paper flowers) for this hop. Please leave a comment (including your email address) on this post as well as yesterday's post to be be eligible to win. 
A comment on both posts is not necessary in order to win it just increases your odds. Good Luck.

Keep Kreating, 
Friday, April 1, 2011
Welcome to the April Showers Blog Hop hosted by Kathryn from CREATIONS WITH KATHRYN if you have arrived here from Laura's blog you are hopping in the right direction. If you just happened to stop by my blog for a visit and would like to start at the beginning hop on over to Kathryn's blog.
I am so excited to be finally entering into the Springtime season. 
It's been such a long and bitter cold winter here in Western NY and I am so ready for it to be over. 

For today's project I made a slider card.

I created this 5"x5" card using my Gypsy. 
The cloud and the raindrops were cut using Indie Art. 
The lightning bold is actually silver and the white part of the raindrops are Stickled.
The sentiment was computer generated using the Crulz font. LOVE that font don't you?

Come back tomorrow to see the remainder of this project. 
Your next stop on this hop is to the talented Sigrid's blog.  
I hope you enjoy all the projects along the way and find some Springtime inspiration. 

Oh yeah, blog candy.
I will be giving away an altered mini-notebook and a set of paper flowers. 
You will have two chances to win.
Please leave a comment on today's post as well as tomorrow's post with a way to contact you should you be the lucky winner.
A comment on both posts is not required to win it just gives you and extra chance and increased your odds of winning. :)

Keep Kreating, 
Cardz TV
Crafting with Cristina
DD's Crafts
BWS tips button
Erin Lee Creative
erin lee creative
Inking It Up Crazy
Made By Momo
My Creative Time
My Creative Time
My Pink Stamper
Pink Cricut
Pink Cricut
Queen Of My Craftroom
Scrappily Ever After
Scrappily Ever After... button
Scrappin' Chics
Scrappin' Chics Challenge
Scrappin With Cricut
Scrappin WIth My Bug
Scrappin with my BUG
You Had Me @ Craft
Yours TruLee